Imprisoned in the ancient Greek underworld as punishment for his earthly crimes, Sisyphus was famously tortured by a never-ending task. He was condemned to roll a huge rock up a hill – only to watch it roll back down and have to start all over again.
The ‘Sisyphus effect’ is the result of endless to-do lists, which in turn are created by a constant stream of incoming demands. We start the day full of enthusiasm, but by the end of it, we’ve taken on so many new commitments that the to-do list is longer than when we started.
As a design student, this does sound familiar to me. Especially when it is a groupwork where I have a bossy and demanding group member around. A job that is used to be a fun and exciting turned into a burden I wish I never had to carry in the first place. A simple job will become a complicated one as the same thing need to be fixed over and over again and something that I thought could be done in a few hours end up taking a longer time which interrupts the overall work plan that we had planned in the beginning.
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